
4 rules to create engaging e-learning

The beauty of online learning is that it’s a channel for effective education that can fit conveniently into the lives of your employees, clients, customers or students. 

It’s a flexible tool for continuous professional development and everyone at Doctrina is a firm believer in its efficacy. And because it works, we use it to give healthcare professionals the information they’re looking for and to give our clients the opportunity to exceed their business goals.

However, online learning is only as effective as the quality of what’s being learned. Creating engaging content in a world of distraction can be a difficult task. We have years of experience of creating high-impact, high-quality educational videos, so here’s where we share the secrets of engaging content:

1. Be short and to the point

Our videos are little gems of micro-learning. Too long and you lose your learner. Too short and nothing’s taken in. We’ve found that an eight-minute video on a single topic or objective gives learners enough space to process and reflect on the concepts.

2. Use animation

Animation makes video more effective and enjoyable. Good animation will grab your learner’s attention and simplify complex ideas and processes. Dynamic visuals can also stimulate both the thinking and the feeling side of the brain, creating an emotional experience. In our videos, we include text, moving elements and animated graphics like animated graphs.

3. Invest in good design

For quality visuals, you’ll need vector versions of the video elements. The best image size is 1280×720 pixels or greater.

4. Create a great title and an engaging cover image

A good title attracts your learners’ attention, makes them curious and draws them in. Make sure the title lives up to expectations!